Wednesday, October 14, 2009

As For Me, Give Me Liberty

"...Why stand we here idle?...Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -Patrick Henry

What great words taken from a time were liberty was being threatened. This quote gives me a firmer desire to stand for truth and support our U. S. Constitution. In a time were everything from the organization of the family to the Constitution of the United States is under threat, there needs to be more people who are as bold as Patrick Henry and will stand for Truth no matter what direction others choose to go. I know there are many people out there like this. One who comes to my mind would be Glenn Beck. He could be considered a modern day Patrick Henry in my opinion. I hope that throughout my own lifetime I will be able to stand for Truth and Liberty no matter what the worldly consequences.


Dru Babe said...

Glenn Beck is a genius and I'm so thankful he's got the priesthood.

ts said...

This was a powerful blog. You do so well at tieing quotes from history to today. You are amazing. You will be able to stand up for what is right no matter what comes because you are preparing now to do so. Thanks for enligntening us with every blog you do.

wyo aunt said...

Great job! I wish every adolescent gave as much thought to the world.

Auntie L said...

I am a fan of Glenn Beck also. I truly believe that he is inspired by God in his opinions. I am not saying he is a prophet but he certainly is inspired. I believe that he is called to this work. May we all be as faithful in standing for the truth.