Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sam Adams Quote

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams


Alf's boy said...

Let's keep the fires burning!

Pi-day Dave said...

The squeaky wheel syndrome. Polosi and Reid are the very examples of this. Also "Crying Wolf" seems to work. Logan came home from a debate camp yesterday and he said that the main point he learned from the workshop/camp was that when you can't win your debate just tell everyone that if your bill doesn't pass it will mean all out nuclear war and global destruction, then the opposition usually concedes the point to you.

wyo aunt said...

How smart is Sam? It's time the silent majority, which I'm beginning to think has become a minority, to get irate and tireless.

aunt marbles said...

I am definitely a tireless irate individual! Good quote!