Thursday, September 17, 2009

Righteousness Requires Freedom

"America was discovered, colonized, and made into a great nation so that
the Lord would have a proper place both to restore the gospel and from which to send it forth to all other nations. as a prelude to his coming, and so the promised work of restoration would roll forward, the foundations of the American nation were laid." -Bruce R. McConkie

I think the formation of America by farmers, craftsmen, and plantation owners would have been impossible without God helping them defeat the world's most superior military force of the time. God had reasons for helping America come into existence. Freedom from tyranny, allowing personal rights, and especially the freedom of religion were all created as an essential for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to come about and spread to all the world.

It is no coincidence that many principles of the gospel parallel those found in The Constitution. Agency is one of the largest gospel principals I can think of that coincide with The Constitution as well as others. I think that to be a member of this church you have to be a follower of The Constitution.

In Captain Moroni's time there was cause to stand for freedom. When Amalickiah conspired to be king, Moroni rallied his people around the title of liberty "...In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children..." Alma 46:12.

I would think that all true followers of Christ would desire to maintain the freedom and the Constitution of the United States, with all their hearts.


wyo aunt said...

It's true. I have no doubt about it. I only hope we can keep the Constitution in it's original form. Keep up the thoughtful exploration of this subject it gives me hope.

Auntie L said...

There are many things in the Book of Mormon that are applicable to todays political environment The fact that the outcome is promised in it is a hopeful one, we need to pray for the nation, ourselves and the world that the Lords plan can continue. That is where our hope lies.

Pi-day Dave said...

I agree whole heartedly. Americans tend to forget that without Gods help America wouldn't be here. We can't forget that.

aunt marbles said...

Amen brother! You are definitely Grandpa Sorenson's grandson!

2 Lazy 2 Grandma said...

I totally agree with Bruce McConkie and other leaders who have told us why this country is a choice land, a promised land. And to keep it a place for those purposes to be fulfilled, it had to have a God-inspired Constitution. Hooray for Moroni for having the courage and determination to stand up for the liberties of his people and provide a righteous leader for them to follow. We need more of those kinds of people as government leaders today!

Alf's boy said...

Freedom also requires righteousness.