Saturday, January 16, 2010

Interesting Similarities

Here is an interesting scripture that might have similarities to our day.

Alma 59:13-
And it came to pass that Moroni was angry with the government, because of their indifference concerning the freedom of their country.

It is interesting that the Book of Mormon people faced so many similar problems in their society as we do today in ours.


wyo aunt said...

They say it was written for our day. It sure applies to us in thousands of ways. Good call.

Big Sis said...

This is so true. The Book of Mormon is a spiritual history of the American Continent. I think that is why we need to read it often.

sistermarbles said...

I am reminded of the Gidianton Robbers that seems so prevalent now in our day. We definitely need to be more firm in our resolve in daily scripture study.