Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010: It Can't Get Worse, Can It?

Its 2010, a whole new year. Let's just hope that this year won't be as bad as the previous one. I am just waiting to see what will next be passed to further America down a sorry path. Maybe in November America will decide to get rid of some of its main problems and replace them. Here's hoping for a better year than 2009.


auntmarbles said...

Yep, let's hope!

Big Sis said...

I sure hope Americans wale up before the elections, and give all the people that have ignored the public a kick in the pants out of the door message.

Anonymous said...

It can get worse. But I hope it won't. Keep learning and make sure you get a good education and you'll have the best chance you can give yourself.

Pi-day Dave said...

Lets hope and pray that the midterm elections send a message to Washington.

wyo aunt said...

Guess who Anonymous is? The tech ignoramous.