Monday, February 15, 2010

Grandpa's Documents and Pictures

I have been writing a short history about Grandpa Alf and Grandma let me borrow some of his certificates and pictures. Here are just a few:

Here's Alf's Father and Mother

Here's his certificate showing his Melchezedic Preisthood orgination

Here's Alf and Elmer in high school

Here's Alf and Elmer as little Children

Here is his Blessing Certificate


Conservative Adolescent said...

That's alot of info to be putting out there on the internet.

Conservative Adolescent said...

This is dad not you

wyo aunt said...

Thanks. It's neat to see pictures from the past. Am I the only one who thinks that in picture of Dad and Elmer, Elmer looks a lot like Adam?

aunt marbles said...

I can see the resemblance to Dad and Adam. I love these photos. Thanks!