Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Words From a Former Slave

I recently came across some interesting words from Frederick Douglas, a former slave and later the first African-American to hold a position in the white house, that I found very interesting.  You would think, after listening to our president and any liberal for that matter, that the Constitution made it harder to end slavery.  However, the following words from a famous African-American prove otherwise:

"[T]he Constitution is a glorious liberty document.  Read its preamble; consider its purposes.  Is slavery amoung them?  Is it a gateway?  Or is it in the temple?  It is neither.... [I]f the Constitution were intended to be, by its framers and adopters, a slaveholding instrument, why neither slavery, slaveholder, nor slave can anywhere be found in it? ... Now, take the Constitution according to its plain reading and I defy the presentation of a single pro-slavery clause in it.  On the other hand, it will be found to contain principles and purposes entirely hostile to the existence of slavery." -Rev. Frederick Douglass, Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White
Were are the people like this today? The typical accusation that a conservitive hates President Obama because he is black doesn't apply to this conservative.  I submit that I would vote for any man, black, white, red, green, indigo (actually I wouldn't vote for smurfs), who has the same views as Rev. Fredrick Douglas.  To bad all we have left of many great men are there words and wisdom.

1 comment:

wyo aunt said...

Yes, I'm with you. Color is the last thing I'm worried about. Can we all say "fix the economy by staying out of it please."?