Friday, August 27, 2010

What about the Recession?

Has anyone noticed that there seems to be a lot more news stories about: immigration, gay-rights, and a mosque at Ground Zero than our steadily sinking ship, the economy?  To me it seems almost like America's attention has turned to social issues which portray conservatives as hateful, racist bigots and our attention has left our economic situation.  (By the way congress is still creating new laws that put our country into greater dept.)  I would think the economy would be the most pressing issue seeing as we still haven't recovered from this recession.  Does it seem like our attention is being diverted? To me it does.


Alf's boy said...

These next two months will bring the economy back to the front. Remember that the Dems are trying to get re-elected so the economy needs to be down-played.

wyo aunt said...

Always watch what's going on with the left hand while you're being distracted by the right one.