Sunday, August 15, 2010

Have Gratitude Enough to Stand for Freedom

I think the main problem facing Americans today is that we haven't been grateful for our blessings and freedoms in this great country.  We have been so blessed that we don't even realize when freedom and liberty are taken away in different aspects of our lives.  My uncle has in the past year been on work trips to Morocco and India and he told me that as he saw their condition and then came back home he felt really blessed.  We talked about how even the poorest person in America has a roof over their head.  What country does the world turn to for refuge, ours, the United States of America.  As Americans we need to realize our blessings in order to notice when are liberties and rights are slowly being taken away.  George Washington wrote the following:
"I am much concern'd, that your Honour should seem to charge me with ingratitude for your generous, and my undeserving favours; for I assure you, Hon'ble Sir, nothing is a greater stranger to my Breast, or a Sin that my Soul abhors, than that black and detestable one Ingratitude."
Don't we all wish we could be like George Washington in our desire to avoid ingratitude.  American, have enough gratitude for those that have gone before to fight for what they stood for, Freedom.

1 comment:

wyo aunt said...

I never thought of it that way. Thanks for the insight.