Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sadly, Americans Did It

I have been thinking about the horribly destructive leaders in our Federal government and then I thought, How did they get their?

They were voted into office (except the appointed ones ex. Czars) by the people of the United States.  Well, maybe just by the ignorant people who either don't care about the Constitution or think that when you vote you choose the coolest looking candidate.  One thing is for sure the leaders of our republican form of government were placed their rightfully, at least in the aspect that they were placed their by the people.

 Not all of the people in United States treat elections like a popularity contest.  There are those who weigh the sides and figure out the best man for the job (not like there was one in this last presidential election).  I would hope that when I first vote that I select those candidates that will fill their positions with honor and integrity and in the end stand for what I believe in.

So why do leaders without honor and those that raise the power of government get placed in power by Americans?  Well, throughout history (Yes, history can be repeated) their have been examples of societies that have willingly given great power to their governments.  Take for example, from the Bible, the Israelites when they desired a King.  They asked the prophet who revealed the will of God and he said, No!  The people still wanted a King and finally the answer was, yes.  What happened to the Israelites because of their Kings? Ultimately what happened was destruction with the worst being the destruction of natural rights.  But the Israelites had wanted a King for the reason that they were basically too lazy to take care of their own and wanted someone to take care of it for them.

 Does this sound familiar?  Today as Americans we have become lazy.  We don't want to face responsibility for our actions and when we fail we want the government to fix our problems for us, but with that the government says sure we'll fix this but if we do you can't decide on this anymore and slowly (recently, very quickly) our rights and freedoms all but vanish.  America, be wise and take care of your own and quit wanting the government to solve your problems.  After all, Government, in almost all cases, is the problem.


Alf's boy said...

Yes, Government is the problem.

wyo aunt said...

You nailed it. When we vote for people we have to swallow hard sometimes. We need to start at the state level and bring the people who most closely resemble our beliefs to the place where they can make a difference. Tea party candidates seem to be the closest we have right now.

Pi-day Dave said...

American's are lazy. The ones who got out and voted for the current president, wanted a free ride. The ones who didn't vote and allowed the election to go the way it did were too lazy to get out and vote.