Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Immigration: Where the feds have gone wrong once again

There are a few things on illegal immigration that I would like to address because of the recent events that have created quite a stir in our country.

First of all, I don't think it is right for the Department of Justice and the Obama Administration to be filing a lawsuit against Arizona when the border is not secure.  The border should be secured before any legislation is even debated about in congress.

Second and along the lines of border security, the main role of government in any nation is to "provide for the common defence".  I don't care that the federal government and Obama have had their egos bruised because a state government has taken matters into their own hands.  Arizona was having problems at the border and problems with illegals and so they got sick of the federal government not doing their job and they took matters into their own hands.  (I would bet that Arizona had asked the White House to do their job and protect the border long before they created their law on immigration.)  The Arizona law on illegal immigrants was made to enforce the same things that our federal legislation does.   Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona has said to the Obama Administration that border security should be higher on the list than a lawsuit against Arizona and that "border security is national security" to the excuse that federal resources can't be spared because of the threat of terrorism.

Third, it does not make sense that we would even want illegal immigrants in our country.  It does not seem like common sense to me to allow people with the mindset that they can get away with crime into our country.  Why would we want people allowed into the United States who have the moral character of a criminal?  I think we already have enough criminals in our country who are natural born citizens.

Forth, We should be ashamed that we even have put up with illegals in our country for so long.  Why has our government not taken care of the problem?  We surely must have enough resources and ingenuity to take care of it if we could do things like land on the moon or create the ipod.

Last of all, this is not one of the brighter moves of President Obama.  Much more than half the nation agrees with Arizona on this issue.  This may be one progressive move that Americans wont allow to happen.  I will guess that this case will most likely go to the Supreme Court and if the Department of Justice wins it is only through the corruption of the Judicial system.


wyo aunt said...

Exactly. And we know there is corruption so we're not very hopeful for Arizona's chances.

I speak in the royal we of course!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you and your father got to attend the Glenn Beck American Revival in Salt Lake City and that you had a great time and go so REVIVED, says Auburn Grandma.