Sunday, June 13, 2010

When Will the Spending Stop?

Under the Obama administration the United States Congress has been pushing legislation through which is very damaging to both our freedoms and our ecomomy.  The stimulus package consisting of trillions of dollars was passed shortly after Obama was inagurated and the health care bill was passed a year or so later adding more to the national dept.  Now, even in our horribly sinking economy, President Obama wants congress to pass a 50 billion dollar "emergency bill" to avoid "massive layoffs of teachers, police, and firefighters".

This is absolutely insane.  Does it make sense to anyone to spend money in order to earn money? NO. Not to any sane person.  Our national dept could theoretically go to the moon and back in stacks of 1 dollar bills.  Does it make sense? No. Why do politicians in Congress and the executive leader of our country want to increase our dept and worsen our ecomomic situation by spending money we don't have?

A wise and most notably one of the greatest presidents in our nations history (at least since Abraham Lincoln) once said,"Government is not a solution to our problem government is the problem".  We as Americans want to get rid off our national dept?  Elect people who will cut spending, cut funding to government programs, cut unneccesary goverment programs, reduce the taxes of both rich and poor, and plain and simply listen to the pleas and advice from all the various ecomomic class levels.  Hopefully the people of the United States of America will realize the importance of electing individuals who will represent them, not just their own personal government paid views.

1 comment:

wyo aunt said...

Yes! And you get to vote in the next presidential election! It's good to know there'll be one more informed voter!