Saturday, June 19, 2010

Way to Go Governor Brewer!

The Obama administration has decided to sue Arizona over their new law which makes being an illegal immigrant, illegal.  In response the Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, said, "I will ensure the immigration laws we passed are vigorously defended all the way to the United States Supreme Court if necessary, where this reasonable law will ultimatly be found constitutional... We'll meet them in court... and will win."  Wow!  Here is a Governor who knows how to stand up to controversy.  We need more Governors and States to make laws such as this.  Can you imagine the results if they did? 

First, what is the reason Arizona even had to create these immigration laws?  Humm.  Maybe because the United States Government is not enforcing the law and Arizona is sick of the disregard for the law.  Those states that border Mexico right now must be having a horrible time with crime in relation to drug trafficing and murder.  I would imagine that since Arizona has created this law many illegal immigrants have left.  It is rediculous to think that our Federal Government is sueing one of the States over a law which just reinforces one of the Federal Governments own laws.  It is illigal to be an illegal immigrant anywere in the United States.  The state of Arizona has just cracked the whip and reinforced the law.  The Obama Administration finds the new Arizona law to be racial profiling or discriminatory.  Well I've got news for them, there is nothing wrong with being discriminatory towards criminals.  That is what illegal immigrants are, no matter how hard of workers they are, no matter how poor or needy, they are still criminals.


wyo aunt said...

Right on point! It is not illegal to enforce the law.

Pi-day Dave said...

I love the signs that say "We're not Criminals, We're just here Illegally" is that being a criminal?

Big Sis said...

Of course it is! Duh! It does, however, proves that living in the USA is still better than living somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I'm on Arizona's side to enforce the law that no illegial aliens can be in their state. I will clap my hands and holler "HOORAY!" for any state that will be courageous enough to enforce the law, says Auburn Granny!