Saturday, May 29, 2010

Arlington National Cemetery and Obama

Arlington National Cemetery is located in Arlington County, Virginia and the land was previously owned by General Robert E. Lee.  It has been used to inter fallen soldiers since the Civil War.  Because it contains the bodies of men and woman who have served the United States since the Civil War it has a great importance to our nation.

It is amazing to think that Obama would skip out on a Presidential tradition which has taken place since the ceremony has existed.  Obama is the first president to be skipping the ceremony.  He will instead be in Chicago speaking at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery and then visiting with friends.  I think it is rediculous that President Obama would skip a tradition to honor past and fallen military men and woman.  It just goes to show that President Obama does not care about our military members.  This also shows that our President does not care about tradition and feels he can do just about anything he wants.    


Alf's boy said...

Like he said he is out to fundamentaly change America. I never asked for America to be fundamentaly changed.

wyo aunt said...

Obama is all about destroying tradition. That's the change he was really talking about. What a disappointing president.