Monday, February 21, 2011

Envy: A Good Thing

Broke: The Plan to Restore Our Trust, Truth and Treasure

 "...[I]n the hands of someone who beleives in themselves, envy can also be one of life's greatest motivators.  Jealous of the guy who's dating the girl you like?  You're motivated to lose those last ten pounds.  Jealous of your co-worker who makes more money? You're motivated to work harder and longer.  Jealous of your teammate who hits more home runs?  You're motivated to get stronger and spend more time at practice.  A distinction has to be made, however, between envy and another one of the deadly sins: greed.  Envy for the sake of simply accumulating more stuff is not what this country is all about. But envy for the sake of the reward it brings, for the chance to reap the fruits of your own labor and ideas, is exactly what this country is about."   -Glenn Beck, Broke: The Plan to Restore Our Trust, Truth and Treasure


Auntie L said...


wyo aunt said...

I think it's more like ambition than envy, but it's true that wanting what others have is a useful thing if you're willing to work to get it. To me envy is more like wanting it but not being willing to work for it.